Ritratti Senza Confini

At a time when creating a portrait in a studio is very complicated, I thought of breaking down the boundaries of time and space. I started by taking a cue from a technology that became popular during this historical moment of isolation and I decided to give it new perspectives. Photography, or rather the shot, the composition, the idea, are born from the mind and eyes of the photographer, so welcome to the future.

Today digital portraits are our identity, both outside and inside social networks, so taking great strength from my photographic project iorestoincam.it which has more than 1200 portraits all over the world, I decided to "move" my know-how into this "digital studio", where you too can find and perhaps discover what it means to be "told" by an attentive and avant-garde professional, while remaining in your โ€œworldโ€.

The only limit to date is that to make this type of portrait you must have either an i-Phone or an i-Pad.


Biography of carlotta Domenici De Luca

1997 the first year in which I decide to go down the path of a professional photographer. 1998 I start working in sports competitions: skate, BMX, skating in the structure and also windsurfing, boxing, dance and free climbing. 2002 I entered the world of theater photographing the play Sacco e Vanzetti, directed by Beatrice Bracco. 2003 I start my collaboration with the comic duo Lillo & Greg, which lasts until today. From 2009 to 2014 I worked for RAI RADIO 2, photographing various programs and in 2016 I also collaborate with RAI 1. 2017 I finish my first novel "The Double Soul of White", a "noir", with an unusual serial killer photographer, but also a loving mother and wife. 2018 I publish this first novel. The presentation of the book was accompanied by a series of portraits: Lillo, Enrico Lo Verso, Greg, Marco Marzocca, Dado, Lallo Circosta, Andrea Perroni, Mimmo Ruggiero, Micha Van Hoecke , they played the "victims" of the serial killer photographer. 2019 I publish my second psychological noir "The Double Soul of Black" also for this book I present an exhibition of female portraits of 30 special friends. 2020, on March 9 I start my largest reportage, which lasted a year, with 1300 portraits of people, photographed, all over the world, touching testimonies of resilience to COVID 19. 2021 I start making author's portraits with the remote technique, real ritratti senza confini.

For those wishing to know more, they can visit:

Feel free to ask for further informations info@ritrattisenzaconfini.com